How does donating work?

With CareBuzz, you can donate without money -- share your internet connection and we’ll convert it into money!

Download CareBuzz

Install the CareBuzz app on your desktop or mobile devices to start your donation journey.

Choose an initiative

Select an initiative you want to support. You can switch initiatives anytime.

Share traffic & donate

Keep the CareBuzz app running to continuously donate to your chosen initiative!

What is your internet connection used for?

Sharing your Internet connection through the CareBuzz network enables our verified business partners to make the web a better place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t I need money to donate?

Do I need to add my credit/debit card to donate?

Did my donation contribute to the project?

How can I support an initiative?

How can I reach my goal faster as an organization?

Do you want to start getting donations?

Sign up as a participant today and get ready to receive contributions!